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Top Picks TIFF buzz Canada AM Traci  |

Top Picks : TIFF buzz : Canada AM: Traci ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
etalk’s Traci Melchor talks about the 'weekend of the Ryans,' as Ryan Phillippe, Ryan Reynolds, and Ryan Gosling hit the streets of Toronto. She also talks about TIFF flick ...
Top Picks One-on-one Canada AM Peter  |

Top Picks : One-on-one : Canada AM: Peter ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
The Hollywood star talks about being honoured at the Best Buddies charity in Toronto. He also discusses his hit film, 'Easy Rider,' and recalls how he wrote the blockbuster ...
Latest Attack hurt all Canada AM Hisham  |

Latest : Attack hurt all : Canada AM: Hisham ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
A Muslim firefighter who was a first responder during 9/11 discusses his latest ads about the attack and how it affected everyone. He says the ads were not received well, as many assumed he was a ...
Latest Spine treatment CTV National News  |

Latest : Spine treatment : CTV National News: ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
Canadians who are disabled by pain in their spine are receiving pain relief through a new treatment.
Latest Nurses meet NTV News Nurses meet  |

Latest : Nurses meet : NTV News: Nurses meet ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
Canadian nurses are meeting in Newfoundland. The nurses want provincial and federal governments to make some changes to the way nurses are expected to do their job to better the healthcare of ...
Latest Roma s plight CTV News Tom Kennedy  |

Latest : Roma’s plight : CTV News: Tom Kennedy ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
The French government’s decision to deport hundreds of Roma's has sparked demonstrations across the country. Human right's advocates have accused the government of stigmatizing ...
Latest New discoveries Canada AM Dave  |

Latest : New discoveries : Canada AM: Dave ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
The co-leader of the Titanic expedition says it is amazing to witness such unique finds. He explains the crew has access to a bird’s eye view of the wreck that allows them to see things no one ...
Latest Dog fight CTV Calgary Ryan Sang on  |

Latest : Dog fight : CTV Calgary: Ryan Sang on ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
Animal Services is investigating another case of dogs running loose in Calgary. After Two 'Pit-bull type' dogs were picked up in the community of Renfrew after attacking a cat.
Latest Almost free CTV News Channel Saeed  |

Latest : Almost free : CTV News Channel: Saeed ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
An Iran correspondent from Global Radio News discusses how Sarah Shourd could be freed soon, but her family is expected to bail of $500,000. He adds there is much speculation around why only one ...
Latest Wild party CTV British Columbia  |

Latest : Wild party : CTV British Columbia: ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
A party that got out of control is giving UBC and its fraternities some unwelcome attention.
Latest Study funded NTV News MS patients  |

Latest : Study funded : NTV News: MS patients ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
Two MS patients who have undergone a controversial treatment for the debilitating disease have presented Newfoundland PC MP Jerome Kennedy with a petition from suffers. An announcement on new ...
Latest Traffic plan CTV Toronto Extended  |

Latest : Traffic plan : CTV Toronto Extended: ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
Saying the car is here to stay, mayoral candidate Rocco Rossi is proposing extending Allen Road south to the Gardiner Expressway by digging a tunnel.
Latest Traffic plan CTV Toronto Dana  |

Latest : Traffic plan : CTV Toronto: Dana ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
Mayoral hopeful Rocco Rossi has proposed extending Allen Road south to the Gardiner by building a tunnel. Dana Levenson reports.
Latest Man set on fire CTV Winnipeg  |

Latest : Man set on fire : CTV Winnipeg: ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
The man accused of setting another man on fire was wanted by police at the time of the attack, CTV News has learned. There was a warrant for his arrest in connection with the beating of a woman.
Latest Mosque debate CTV National News  |

Latest : Mosque debate : CTV National News: ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
The controversy over the building of an Islamic centre near Ground Zero in New York has divided Americans to such an extent it’s hard to imagine a happy ending. But the man behind the mosque spoke ...
Latest HST repealed CTV National News  |

Latest : HST repealed? : CTV National News: ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
Those fighting the HST in British Columbia scored a big win on Monday after a judge ruled that a petition signed by hundreds of thousands of people can proceed.
Latest Fiscal forecast CTV National News  |

Latest : Fiscal forecast : CTV National News: ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
Despite the federal government’s claims that Canada escaped the economic recession with minor scars, a new report is suggesting many Canadians are feeling a financial pinch with rising mortgage ...
Latest Fraud charge CTV Toronto Austin  |

Latest : Fraud charge : CTV Toronto: Austin ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
A married man has been arrested and charged with offences related to the alleged conning and bilking of vulnerable women. Austin Delaney reports.
Latest Drug smuggling Canada AM Michel  |

Latest : Drug smuggling : Canada AM: Michel ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
A ret. Col. And former director general for the Department of National Defence says it is not surprising to learn of the military drug allegations, but it is disappointing. He explains the ...
Latest Drug smuggling Canada AM Tom  |

Latest : Drug smuggling : Canada AM: Tom ...

0 of 5 Stars
September 14, 2010
CTV’s London bureau chief says it is quite possible that the rumours aren't true, but the mere possibility that NATO soldiers are involved in a drug trade has to be taken seriously and ...
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