Studio talk, part 1: Marie-Christine Ostermann
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Watch Studio talk,  part 1: Marie-Christine Ostermann

Studio talk, part 1: Marie-Christine Ostermann

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Chairwoman of the Federal Association of Young Entrepreneurs (BJU), who has her own commercial enterprise.DW-TV: Let’s pull back in Marie-Christine Ostermann, Chairwoman of the German Association of Young Entrepreneurs.You took over the family business from your father. Did you ever think about working for a different company--not being the boss? Marie-Christine Ostermann: No never. I love my job from my heart, with my whole body, everything. I couldn't do anything else. DW-TV: Right, so you're an entrepreneur at heart. That's something that a lot of women have a problem with though. We want to show you a graphic now, Women still fall behind men when it comes to being their own boss in Germany. In 2009, 206 thousand woman founded their own businesses. But 384 thousand companies--almost double the figure of women--were started by men. Are women the gender of less risk? Marie-Christine Ostermann: No, I think women are very courageous, but I think we need better conditions in Germany to start a company, especially for women. I think we need the possibility to have children and to have a great job and so we need more children's daycare facilities, for example. DW-TV: But wouldn't that require more subsidies from the state. Marie-Christine Ostermann: Yes, that would require more money, but it pays off because with the better education people get better jobs. Maybe they are more willing to take risks. They found a company and they pay more taxes with the better job and less unemployment. DW-TV: What else would you like to see coming from the world of politics to motivate women to go into business for themselves? Marie-Christine Ostermann: For example, in schools we need the subject economics and women should also study engineering, I think. Because many of the bosses are engineers. For example, I studied in Switzerland in Sankt Gallen and there really were not many women. DW-TV: But it's almost always that way, right? It's almost like a genetic issue that has to be br...
Channel: sevenload
Video Length: 0
Date Found: August 26, 2010
Category: News
Date Produced: August 23, 2010
View Count: 26
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