Jospeph Stiglitz on the Case for Self-Regulating National Economies
Jospeph Stiglitz on the Case for Self-Regulating National Economies |
Watch Jospeph Stiglitz on the Case for Self-Regulating National Economies

Jospeph Stiglitz on the Case for Self-Regulating National Economies

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The financial crisis has caused an economic crisis around the world. Drastic state measures have prevented the collapse of the economic system: governments have established rescue funds for failing banks or nationalized banks for relaunching economic growth. At the same time, central banks have intervened with important injections of liquidity and have lowered interest rates. Jospeph Stiglitz explains why this is the right way to go.
Channel: on AOL
Video Length: 204
Date Found: December 28, 2010
Category: Business
Date Produced: December 28, 2010
View Count: 0
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