President Bill Clinton Defends Byrd’s Ties With KKK
President Bill Clinton Defends Byrd s Ties With KKK |
Watch President Bill Clinton Defends Byrd’s Ties With KKK

President Bill Clinton Defends Byrd’s Ties With KKK

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Bill Clinton defending a RACIST senator from West Virginia who died at the age of 92. One thing you can say about Democrats especially liberals, they ALWAYS have an EXCUSE for everything and rationalize it. History of the Democratic Party from the time it was founded is full of racism, The Republican Party fight so hard to pass the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT which we now enjoy especially for minorities.  The Democrats of today is still practicing racism using WELFARE and AFFIRMATIVE ACTION which is LEGAL DISCRIMINATION created by DEMOCRATS. Affirmative action is telling minorities in a subtle way, you’re too dumb using your own abilities without special laws. Affirmative action is putting down minorities. Do you want to know how racist is the Democratic Party? Do your own research who is Margaret Zanger, founder of planned parenthood; what is the real purpose of planned parenthood heavily endorsed by Democrats especially liberals. US Senator Robert Byrd and US Senator Al Gore Sr (father of VP Al Gore) from Tennessee FILIBUSTERED The Civil Rights Act HEAVILY sponsored by Republicans. There were many attempts by Republicans to pass Civil Rights Act, but democrats always kill it. Thank a Republican for CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, without them, you would still be drinking in separate fountain because you're a colored person. IF you can think for yourself, do research history of the Democratic Party, they're the PARTY OF RACIST PEOPLE. From KKK to the US Senate "I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels,? a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." - Robert Byrd in letter to Mississippi Senator Theodore Bilbo in 1944.
Channel: PopModal
Video Length: 39
Date Found: July 15, 2010
Category: Entertainment
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