The Captive Man - Episode 10: Tone Poem
The Captive Man - Episode 10 Tone Poem |
Watch The Captive Man - Episode 10: Tone Poem

The Captive Man - Episode 10: Tone Poem

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Thank you to our special guest star Moon Ray for her able assistance.  I forgot how fun it can be to make films with, y’know, humans. The film-within-the-film you see here is based on my college efforts. I suppose in the universe of The Captive Man, the character of Chris Kim never evolved beyond his film school style. Most of my film school shorts followed a similar formula: black-and-white photography, no dialogue, lots of voiceover. The plots varied. One was about an Asian guy who wakes up one day to discover that he's turned white, another was a ridiculously convoluted story about a rain god and a mystical girl who only appears when it rains. I know these sound like sketch ideas but I assure you these stories were approached with unshakeable sincerity. Hey. Shut the hell up. It was film school. I could never, and will never, watch those films again. To my credit, I really went for it each time. Just be glad that I'm no longer making such self-absorbed films. Now onto the show entirely about me! Visit for more! You can also subscribe to the Vimeo channel at Follow us on Twitter @TheCaptiveMan, and like us on Facebook if you get the chance!
Channel: Vimeo
Video Length: 100
Date Found: June 29, 2011
Category: Comedy
Date Produced: June 25, 2011
View Count: 0
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