John Seely Brown discusses the 'Chief of Confusion' in this Curiosity video.
Video Length: 107
Date Found: July 16, 2011
Date Produced:
Discovery Channel |
July 17, 2011
The Hillstrand brothers assemble a heavy-duty fishing rig to go hunting after the Alaskan sea monster.
Discovery Channel |
July 17, 2011
Johnathan and Andy meet with cryptozoologist Paul Leblond who shares his research about the creature known as Cadborosaurus.
Discovery Channel |
July 17, 2011
The Hillstrand’s adventure begins when an eyewitness shares stunning video evidence of a mysterious Alaskan sea monster.
Discovery Channel |
July 16, 2011
John Seely Brown discusses using play to foster innovation in this Curiosity video.
Discovery Channel |
July 16, 2011
John Seely Brown discusses using play to foster innovation in this Curiosity video.
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