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Head of the governing board of Philips Germany and on the board of directors of the Society of Consumer Electronics, the gfu. DW-TV: I’d like to talk to you about Telefunken - how do they rate when it comes to quality? Hans-Joachim Kamp: Not only quality - the brand name is very important, especially for the older generation and here Telefunken is one of the top brands. But the success of a brand is not only based on the brand name. It is based on innovation, design, and service and last but not least distribution. So there is a chance to be successful with brand Telefunken in the future. DW-TV: Let's move on to talk about some other electronic devices - televisions and cellphones alike seem to still sell well despite dismal economic times. In 1983, some 2 million TV sets were sold in Germany. That figure nearly tripled in the 1990s. And for this year it's predicted that sales of flatscreen TV's in both HD and 3D will reach 10 million. DW-TV: Those are a lot of television sets. How often do we have to buy a new TV in order to keep up with these latest trends? Hans-Joachim Kamp: TV is very high on the buying priority list of the consumers. And the average lifetime of a TV is 10 years. The reason why TV is so high on the priority list is that the TVs are future oriented. We sell TVs in 16:9 format although nearly no broadcast in 16:9 was available. The same is valid in HDTV. 90 percent of sets that are sold are HDTV or HDTV-ready. And the same will happen with 3D-TV. DW-TV: Finally I want to ask you about IFA, the consumer electronics fair that kicks off this week in Berlin. What will be the featured product there this year? Hans-Joachim Kamp: 3D-TV will be one of the main focus points and the peripherals. If we look at a blue-ray player with 3D playback, if we look at cameras with 3D, and also camcorders with 3D. IFA is the biggest consumer product fair in the world and that is good for Berlin and that is good for Germany. All the products we'll be selling in the...
Channel: sevenload
Video Length: 0
Date Found: September 04, 2010
Category: News
Date Produced: September 01, 2010
View Count: 0
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