Truveo launches destination site, eyes Google strategy
Truveo launches destination site eyes Google strategy |
Watch Truveo launches destination site, eyes Google strategy

Truveo launches destination site, eyes Google strategy

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Truveo, the video search engine that's spent the last 18 months powering other sites, is set to unveil Thursday its new strategy to be a destination site for videos across the Web. While many companies opt to provide software and services as a third-party provider -- which is often the easier road to take given how difficult it is to gain traction as an online destination site - Truveo apparently sees the opportunity to dominate a space that has not produced any clear winners. Truveo, which was sold to AOL last year for $50 million, now has 40 million monthly unique visitors, 40 million videos indexed across the Web, about double the number of videos a couple months ago. Half the videos come from user-generated video sites, like Clearly, Tim Tuttle, Truveo's co-founder and CEO and SVP of AOL video doesn't want to end up like Inktomi, the hot Web search engine that could have been the top consumer destination search engine if it didn't lose its way by focusing on providing third-party features for other portals, such as Yahoo. Google started off providing search for other companies as well.
Video Length: 0
Date Found: August 15, 2007
Category: Technology
Date Produced: August 15, 2007
View Count: 306
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Truveo launches destination site, eyes Google strategy |

Truveo launches destination site, eyes Google strategy

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August 15, 2007
Truveo, the video search engine that's spent the last 18 months powering other sites, is set to unveil Thursday its new strategy to be a destination site for videos across the Web. While many companies opt to provide software and services as a third-party provider -- which is often the ...
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Bambi Interviews Truveo Founder Tim Tuttle

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August 13, 2007
Tim Tuttle started the video search engine Truveo in 2004. He sold the company to AOL in 2006 and still serves as its CEO and as an SVP at AOL Video. In this interview, Tim shares his thoughts on Truveo's growth over the past year, the explosion of online video, different ways of ...
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