Shot 07/11/2011.## Dan Rivers interviewing Chris Bryant.  Chris is a British Labour Party politician who is the MP for Rhondda. It was shot outside of the Houses of Parliament in London.## CHRIS BRYANT, LABOUR MP## pls cut SOT 8:26:44 well either cameron didn’t ask the proper questions... increasingly of the view that he must have known something... big question of david cameron's character 8:27:25##
Video Length: 41
Date Found: July 17, 2011
Date Produced: July 11, 2011
 CNN ImageSource |
July 17, 2011
Shot 07/12/2011.## Emergency management coordinators in counties hit hardest by Monday morning’s severe storms are scrambling to gather damage estimates amid cleanup efforts in hopes of landing federal aid.##
 CNN ImageSource |
July 17, 2011
Shot 07/08/2011.## Wire/StoryDescription: (Fair Play, MO) — One person is dead and four more are injured following a head-on crash of an ambulance and a dump truck.   It happened around 1:30 p.m. Friday along Highway 32, one mile east of Fair Play in ...
 CNN ImageSource |
July 17, 2011
Shot 07/11/2011.## pretape, requested by Marlo. Tony Blair, Middle East Quartet Envoy and Former British Prime Minister.## TONY BLAIR : FORMER BRITISH PRIME MINISTER## IN ABOUT 15:19:47 what is important is to realize not about group or part of media or one procedure, in this case hacking, it’s ...
 CNN ImageSource |
July 17, 2011
Shot 07/08/2011.## SC:Teen arrested in fireworks attack on officer- A Greenville teen was charged Friday in connection with a Fourth of July attack on an officer involving fireworks, Greenville police said.Police said that just before midnight on July 4, an officer was called to the Westview ...
 CNN ImageSource |
July 17, 2011
Shot 07/12/2011.## Live feed from Senate floor.##
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