Maruška - Light Painting
Maru ka - Light Painting |
Watch Maruška - Light Painting

Maruška - Light Painting

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Directors : Mária Kadlecová and Veronika Čechová Short story : Mária Kadlecová Cinematography : Bohuš Trávniček Lampyris : Veronika Čechová, Ivan Lapin, Mária Kadlecová Editor and Sound designer : Michal Michalko Maruška : Jana Stankovianska Stepmother : Diana Kotzigová Special Thanks to : Ivica Čaplová and Miloš Drastich One minute movie made for festival Azyl contest. The theme was "Are we 20 years free ?" (from revolution in our country - Slovakia).  Buying fresh fruit in winter. It’s something that nowadays is normal. But it wasn't always like this in our country. Our inspiration was the classic Fairy Tail about girl named Maruška and magical Twelve Months (You can read the story here ). Plot : ONCE - Vicious stepmother sent Maruška to get her some strawberries in winter. Maruška went to forest and desperately began to cry. Then all of a sudden, Twelve magical Months appeared, and sent Maruška strawberries for her Stepmother. TODAY - All Maruška has to do is search her pockets for some change. It only takes a walk into the closest fancy market, and she can buy as many strawberries as she wants. Even in winter. ___ Jednominútový film vytvorený na súťaž festivalu Azyl. Téma bola "Sme 20 rokov slobodní?" (od revolúcie v našej krajine - Slovensku) Kupovať si čerstvé ovocie cez zimu. To je niečo, čo dnes každý považuje za normálnu vec. Ale v našej krajine to vždy tak nebolo. Naša inšpirácia je klasická rozprávka o dievčati menom Maruška a čarovných Dvanástich mesiačikoch. Obsah : RAZ - Zlá macocha poslala Marušku cez zimu po jahody. Maruška šla do lesa a zúfala začala plakať. Zrazu sa objavilo Dvanásť čarovných mesiačikov. Poslali jej jahody pre macochu. DNES - Maruške stačí vybrať nejaké drobné z vrecka. A ísť do najlbližšieho žiarivého marketu, kde si môže kúpiť toľko jahôd, koľko len chce. Aj v zime.
Channel: Vimeo
Video Length: 60
Date Found: May 12, 2011
Category: Home Video
Date Produced: April 04, 2010
View Count: 0
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