The Mirror Has Two Faces - Trailer
The Mirror Has Two Faces - Trailer |
Watch The Mirror Has Two Faces - Trailer

The Mirror Has Two Faces - Trailer

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Based on Andre Cayatte’s 1958 film LE MIROIR A DEUX FACES, THE MIRROR HAS TWO FACES finds Barbra Streisand directing her third motion picture, casting herself in the lead as Rose Morgan and Jeff Bridges as Professor Gregory Larkin, her foil. Morgan and Larkin, two cerebral Columbia professors, commit to a perfectly sensible but passionless paper marriage based on their intellectual common ground. The earth moves, however, when Rose redesigns her look in order to invoke the hots in her spouse and bolster her sagging self-esteem. This feel-good romance finds Streisand a little older but still the eager ingenue, ready to blush at her suitor's chivalrous blunders or bristle at her crabby mother (Lauren Bacall). Like SABRINA, a film almost 40 years older, MIRROR focuses on a woman's transformation from dusty house-mouse to glamorous cosmopolitan citizen, which only serves to confuse the man instead of creating respect or admiration. Jeff Bridges's charming performance is endearing, and Streisand and Bryan Adams's love ballad, "I Finally Found Someone," sets the mood for a very romantic film.
Channel: SPIKE
Video Length: 0
Date Found: March 15, 2011
Category: Entertainment
Date Produced: June 30, 2005
View Count: 0
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