It was a day of apologies and denials for Rupert Murdoch. But did his testimony to British Parliament have any impact on the future of News Corporation? (The Ed Show)
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Date Found: July 20, 2011
Date Produced: July 19, 2011
July 20, 2011
Gov. Scott Walker’s union-busting agenda helps the Democrats score a recall victory. (The Ed Show)
July 20, 2011
Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), claims soldiers buried in Arlington Cemetery would support GOP economic plan. (The Ed Show)
July 20, 2011
It was a day of apologies and denials for Rupert Murdoch. But did his testimony to British Parliament have any impact on the future of News Corporation? (The Ed Show)
July 20, 2011
Trial attorney Mike Papantonio joins Ed Schultz to analyze Rupert Murdoch’s testimony to British Parliament. What did his denials and apologies really mean? (The Ed Show)
July 19, 2011
Ed Schultz and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) say the Gang of Six plan will devastate the middle class. (The Ed Show)
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